Are you pumped!? Are you ready!? So, you’ve decided to get healthy. It’s all over social media and perhaps you’ve seen a friend or two drop weight and you tell yourself, “I can totally do that”! If you’re brand new to the game, stay tuned for the SUPER helpful tips that you’ll definitely need below. For those of you who have been on your journey, been doing well and then -BAM- you hit a wall, I’ve got your back. For many years now, as a Certified Health Coach, I’ve worked with thousands of men and women trying to get healthy and lose weight. So many people start off really well with tons of motivation. Then they start weighing in a little higher, obsessing a little bit and then obsessing even more. They start to lose steam, lose sight of their goals. . . They start to want to bang their head against a wall. . . Sound familiar?
If this is you, you’re NOT alone and we can avoid these feelings all together, or at least maneuver through the minefield together. So, let’s back up! I want to be completely authentic with you guys. I was sick for many years and no matter what I tried, I couldn’t lose weight. It felt like I tried everything. I was an incredibly active dancer and it really messed with my mind and soul. I finally found a program that actually worked for me. I lost 40lbs fast! I became a Health Coach and absolutely loved helping people. Along the way though, I really started to learn that just one program wasn’t doing the trick for everyone! There are so many programs out there because there are SO many types of bodies out there. For example, I was incredibly successful losing weight once I found the right program for me. Then, I had my first child. The weight came off relatively easy but I didn’t get down to my original weight AND I couldn’t handle the first program while nursing for a number of reasons. I found something else that worked relatively well and I felt good on. Fast forward a couple of years and after my second child, the weight is just NOT coming off.
My second pregnancy was much different too. I lost my younger brother and the grief and stress hit me like a ton of bricks. I stress ate. I felt lost. I gained more than I had hoped. Now that I’ve had my beautiful son, it seems that even if I THINK about losing weight, my milk supply dwindles. It’s so disheartening! For some, nursing can create a fat burning machine. However, for many, many women, it just makes it impossible to lose weight. For those of you nursing and finding absolutely no comfort on the scale, I personally send you a hug and am letting you know that you’re not alone. There is still hope for you!!! We can still get healthy and prep our bodies for when it’s ready (or our babes are ready to wean). I know it’s hard, but you’re taking care of a tiny human!
Plateau Tips
- A couple of things to keep in mind beforehand; Every BODY is different. A Plateau is when there’s no change in weight and/or measurements for longer than two full weeks. Take measurements and DO NOT weigh Daily! Weighing daily is an excellent way to drive yourself nuts! Try to weigh only once a week and at the same time each week. For example, weigh every Monday morning before eating or drinking anything after going to the bathroom.
Healthy Weight-Loss
- Drink 100 oz of water each day. (I have 2 water bottles, fill them up and trade off throughout the day). Find what works for you. Make it fun. Have a favorite water bottle? If not, find one that makes you smile!
- Don’t skip breakfast! Be sure to eat within a half hour of waking. I know, I know… Super tricky for a mom juggling the kids and who knows what else! Do your best to plan ahead and have easy things available to grab.
- Be sure you’re eating every 2-3 hours so that you’re fueling your body and not crashing throughout the day. Think of trying to eat about 100 calories every 2-3 hours. Nursing moms, you may need more!!! Have a basket of snacks nearby. It’s never about putting your body into a starvation mode. (Starving your body will only cause your body to store fat.)
- Exercise! Get yourself moving! I’m not saying to go kill yourself at the gym or run a marathon. It’s good to push yourself, however, listen to your body. If you’re huffing and puffing and pushing way too hard, your body can slip into a starvation mode. You are likely to store fat in you’re overworking. For me, sometimes working out looks like loading the kids into the wagon, hooking the dog to the handle and go for a walk. Mamas, house work totally can count!
- A LOT of people swear by liquid diets. Honestly, I feel that they are not healthy on a full-time or long-term basis. An occasional shake day with a lean meal can be excellent to break the cycle. So, shake it up a bit!
- Stress will kill ya’! Or, stress can at least keep your body in a very unhealthy state.
- Take 5! Take some deep breaths. Concentrate on clearing your mind and focus on what makes you happy.
- Be patient with yourself.
- Seek out support! I’m a strong believer that we don’t succeed in isolation long term at all. It can make such a difference to have an accountability buddy. If you’re feeling stuck or lost, reach out. I’m happy to help.
- Bonus Tip!! If you’re like me, super busy, can’t possibly think of adding anything to your schedule but still need a boost of help… Check out the program that helped me lose 40lbs. It follows these healthy habits but gives you easy and SUPER healthy food replacements. There are so many options that even people on the GO can be very successful with. See more HERE. And feel free to reach out to me for support or with questions.
Keep in mind, it’s important to enjoy and love yourself NOW. So many of us get caught up in dreaming about how happy we will be when we get to our destination… “I will be so much happier once I lose all this weight, once I make a ton of money, once…” etc. Enjoy the NOW. Enjoy the journey. It’s so sad to think of people never finding happiness because they are only focused on the final destination. It’s the little moments along the way that make life so incredible. You’re beautiful NOW. You can be happy NOW. It’s a tricky process, but you can shift your perspective and find the little things that warm you up inside! It’s about having that drive to find even more happiness and health. I’m nowhere near perfect! I have such a long ways to go. Perhaps, we can do it together! Here’s to health & happiness and enjoying the journey!
Classy Mama Bear