Ok! I wanted to take a moment to get a few things off my chest… I am not happy with my body. After my second child and still nursing, I have not been able to get the weight off. I. Am. Tired. I don’t like being in pictures. I don’t like looking in the mirror. (Please, this is NOT an invitation to join your weight loss challenge or try any new products.) I have excellent healthy habits under my belt. My doctor isn’t at all worried about my health. For most women, it’s actually way more common, especially while nursing. The doc wants me to focus on healthy habits and not worry about weight loss until after I’m finished nursing.
This is really hard to accept, especially after being a dancer for most of my life and a health coach for many years on top of that. My stress level has been through the roof for countless reasons. And sleep…well, what the heck is that!?
I love my babies with all of my heart and am so incredibly grateful for them. When I am being honest with myself, I look at my reflection in the mirror with disgust. This is NOT the relationship I want my kids to ever have with their bodies. I truly want them to love who they are every step of the way! So, I know I need to knock it off!! I am working every day to look in the mirror and love what I see…love the work in progress and not hate the process.
I created these beautiful children in my life with THIS body. What an amazing and beautiful thing!! Why can’t I see that when I look at my reflection? I smile and try to always be a positive beacon. But I am a work in progress. I have negativity and self doubt going through my mind day to day. I am nowhere near perfect.
Social media is a strange place. We show these warped truths of what we think people want to see and know. We share… but we don’t. I love so much of this world we live in. However, the crazy competitiveness that we bestow on ourselves and with each other is absolutely nuts!!
What are we really looking for? Popularity?Acceptance? Support? Family? If we aren’t honest with what we put out there, is any of our audience real? I’ve been trying to be more honest with myself, more authentic, more… happy. Let’s take a beat… sometimes we get so caught up, we haven’t the foggiest idea of what we’re doing to ourselves!! So, I for one would like to try to be more honest! I want to be real. I want to love what I see when I look in the mirror. I want to love the journey. I want to support my fellow babes!! And I want to set the stage for our children to love themselves and have at whatever they want!!
Again, nowhere near perfect. (Perhaps my definition of perfect needs to change.) Such a LONG way to go towards this self-love concept… but baby steps are still steps, right? For any of you out there struggling, you are not alone!
Sending love, Classy Mama Bear