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3. . . 2. . . 1. . . Take a deep breath. I know some of you are pulling your hair out. It’s a ca-razy time of year. I’ve been feeling it too. It’s nuts! There is so much I love about the season. The crisp air, the beautiful lights and sweet treats. So, why am I tied in knots, and ready to stop, drop and roll!? We push ourselves to create this often unattainable perfection for our children and family. We forget the real reasons behind the season.
So, let’s take a beat. I love y’all. I appreciate each of you for being a part of my tribe and Classy Mama Bear Family. Gratitude, the gift of life and family, hope and the magic of the season. . . that’s what it’s about. That’s what it should be about. I know we all have a To-Do list a mile long, but I challenge you to take a moment to really focus on the beauty and reason for the season.
We can get back to the nutty, stressful stuff later. I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite “Links and Winks”. Check out the page anytime here: https://classymamabear.com/links-winks/. Enjoy the special deals and favorites and be sure to save the page and check back often as I will update it regularly with new specials.
Wishing you and your family a beautiful holiday season filled with love and joy!
Classy Mama Bear