Hey you guys! I wanted to take a bit of a Time-Out from my usual positive, happy-go-lucky self to bring you a bit of plain ol’ Honesty and Authenticity. I truly love keeping a “Silver Lining” sort of attitude and spreading love and light whenever possible. But when I’m honest, it’s just not that way ALL THE TIME.
Sometimes, life just sucks. No matter how hard we try, there are times that life just serves us up a bunch of crummy muck. I do my best to find my silver lining most days, but other days it’s just hard and really knocks me down. I wanted to be sure to share this, even though I really don’t like sharing negativity, because I know I’m not alone out there. On the flip side, I want you to know that YOU’RE NOT ALONE either.
Especially on Social Media, we often tell our world that everything smells like Roses. No need to worry everyone when it actually smells a bit sour. Who are you then? Are you this perfect person that no one can ever really relate to? Ugh, that’s no good! So, I’m here to tell you, my life is nowhere near perfect. And though I can always think of things to be grateful for and love. . . there are times that I just get completely overwhelmed and need to fall apart.
Our son has been teething and completely miserable. On top of that, he’s been up every hour or if I’m lucky, every other hour. Therefore, I’ve been getting very little sleep. Our daughter, our three year old (going on thirteen), has been a bit of a disaster. It may not be 24/7, but it sure feels like that at times. Oh my goodness, her “Toddler-Tude”!!! My husband has a job that he dreads for a number of reasons, including horrible pay. He loves being able to help people, but as a whole, it’s an incredibly toxic environment. He’s going to school full-time and is working his tush off in the beginning steps of a new company as well. Finances are a total bear and huge stressor. We’re doing our best to live on an extreme budget. Meanwhile, I’m attempting to hold down the fort while taking courses when I can, and building my reach.
Fall is my favorite time of year and pretty much has always been. With the anniversary of my younger brother passing approaching fast, grief has hit me hard lately. The idea of this season without him breaks my heart. I miss him every single day. Trying to pretend I’m ok each day is a task I’m finding impossible. There’s a great deal more going on that I don’t necessarily want to go into detail publicly. I’ve been exhausted! I’ve been a mess! And I’ve felt so very alone. In a nutshell, I’ve been feeling pretty crappy.
There it is! I’m been a mess lately and have been doing my best to keep my head above water. So, HERE I AM. A complete mess, an exhausted mama, I cry several times a week, and at least once a day I feel like a horrible mom. And you know what? It’s okay. It’s OKAY to NOT be okay all the time. Sometimes we are sad. Sometimes we fall apart and are a total mess and that makes us human and relatable. So, to all you trying to keep it together all the time. Give yourself a break. It’s okay NOT to be okay.
There are days we find that heartbreak or business or stress are too much. How can we possibly cope? And there are definitely days that feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. You guys…. There is a light. As hard as it gets, there’s always a light. It may seem so far away at some points, but it’s still there and worth moving towards. Taking one day at a time and focusing on the tiny wins we make each day can make such a difference. Breathe… and then focus on the next little step you need to take. Lately, I’ve been trying to take a moment each morning to prioritize. I get done what I can and then move onto the next. At the end of the day, I take a little time just for me to reflect on how far I’ve come and how many things I have to be grateful for. Sometimes it’s only baby steps. Baby steps are still moving forward towards a goal and that is much more than digging ourselves into a hole and giving up. Nope, I definitely do NOT have it together all the time. Sometimes I’m a huge mess, but that sliver of a silver lining truly helps me get through the day.
I’d love to hear from you. . . are you finding yourself exhausted from trying to be a super mom? You’re NOT alone! Be sure to subscribe below so that you don’t miss out on tips and more authenticity!
Classy Mama Bear