Before you read this, take a moment to take a breath. No seriously, take a deep relaxing breath and let it out slowly. Tell yourself, “I. Am. A. Good. Parent.” All joking aside, did you do it? If you’re still feeling like you may break down and cry, you may need to repeat this a few times.
I feel like this particular topic and title could be a four parter or a 20 chapter book. Well, that’ll be for another day. Today. . . let’s take a minute to appreciate just how hard it is to take care of a sick child. I don’t think there’s much in this world worse than hearing your baby cry herself (or himself) to sleep. Even if you’re holding their hand, stroking their back, giving them kisses and doing everything you can possibly think of to make them feel better, you feel absolutely helpless.
Tonight, I was ready to lose it. Seriously, BOTH kiddos feeling miserable. I would get one asleep through tears and all and then the other would wake. This happened about 5 times and as I’m writing this, I’m pretty sure I’m in for more. There are so many moments, especially when hearing our little ones cry out in pain, that I feel the wretch in my gut, “I’m a horrible parent. I seriously cannot take this.” And then something pushes you forward with an inner voice, “Suck it up buttercup!” And like that you move forward to give them another kiss on the forehead and stroke their back for another 20 minutes.
‘You. Are. A. Good. Parent.’ Actually, you are kickin’ butt! You don’t hear it enough and you rarely feel like it, but you are doing an amazing job. You’re keeping those little guys alive!!! And more, you are doing it with almost no sleep and probably half a cup of coffee you attempted to warm up at least four times.
Parenting doesn’t come with a manual. Each and every single kid and parent are different. This is hard! So, let’s have each other’s backs. You’re amazing.
Lots of love, Classy Mama Bear