Your life doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. It’s YOUR life. You are unique. Your family is unique. No one else lives the exact life that you live. Yet, so many of us are always comparing ourselves and our lives to one another’s. . . Why don’t they struggle the way we do? Why am I going through all of these things? Why can’t I get my life together like they have?
Stop it now.
First of all, I am totally guilty of all these things. Especially with so much of our lives being showcased on Social Media. . . Did you catch that though? “Showcased”. That’s right guys! We are seeing only what they want to show you on social media. We aren’t necessarily seeing the struggles. We aren’t necessarily seeing the fight they go through, the countless sleepless nights they push through or the losses they endure. We see exactly what they choose to share.
Have you found yourself caught up in the land of comparitis? Do you find yourself sifting through your social media feed wishing you were prettier like so and so, or skinnier like so and so or had an exceptionally organized home like so and so? Yup, been there!
You guys. . . Most of our phones and cameras all have filters built into them now! There are crazy makeup apps and lighting tools. We find the perfect angles and only post one in fifty or so pictures. And, honestly, most people’s homes, especially if there are kids, aren’t perfect. A home is to be lived in and enjoyed.
It is amazing to see others and be inspired. I’ve talked to several people lately who just long for different lives. They see the beautiful feeds on Facebook and Instagram and want what they have. And though, I find myself slipping into that headspace every once in a while, I believe that’s a very dangerous place to live. You are only seeing a portion of that life, an episode to their TV series. I’ve been working on adjusting my glasses lately. Do you have the “Grass is greener” glasses on or “rose colored” glasses on? A dose of reality is always good, however if we live in a world of uncertain truths, I would much rather see the good than the negative.
With that said, let others inspire you. Don’t find yourself jealous or hating on others. Most likely they’ve worked incredibly hard for what they have and have had struggles that they haven’t shared with you. Rarely is there a life that is perfect. Unless you revel in the beauty of imperfectly perfect! Again, Your Life Does NOT Have to Look Like Anyone Else’s. You are beautiful! You are strong! There is so much in your life that you should be proud of and love. Don’t be afraid to be different. Haven’t you heard, Different is the New Pink! Different can be magic!! Your life is YOUR Life!
XO, Classy Mama Bear